Tuesday 23 December 2014

What is Server Based Network Architecture?

08:27 Posted by Unknown No comments

Server Based Architecture

Server Based Architecture? 

          Server Based is a network architecture where all the applications are deployed,managed and executed on the server according to user inputs by clients..It is new type of advance communication method.If the client is PC,or laptops or any higher end machines that doesn't matter.Because all the devices will act like as 'Thin clients' and all have the full time access to server it pass the inputs from   client devices to corresponding server.

How it is possible?

          It is done by three technology co-ordination.The first one is Centralized Multiuser  shared OperatingSystem which is loaded on server and shared via network.So it allows the multiple users to log on to system and runs applications in their own separate protected session in  a single server simultaneously.That is all the clients are in this network will boot from os which is shared via network from server.This is commonly known as Network Booting.Most of this network used Bank for  in ATM machines and some of other offices for in  clients.
         The second one is Remote presentation service protocol which is distinguish the application logic from its user interface for each user inputs.Once the clients are booted then all the users they will start their work from their own session.So Each user inputs are distingued and inputs are processed on the server then output is screening this clients
         The third one is Centralized Applications access and client managements which enables multiple users to access same application simultaneously as well as managing the all clients in the network easily.The entire resources on the network is controlled by servers.
Example:ATM Machines,Thin client or terminal monitors are used for Book Train ticket  at  railway stations.

Related Posts:
           1.)Advantages of Server Based Network?
           2.)Disadvantages of Server Based Network?
           3.)Client/Server Architecture?
           4.)Peer to Peer Architecture?
           5.)What is  Network Architecture?

Note:Dear visitors, if you have any doubt please make a comment here .I am glad to help you.                                      


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