About My Blog

Dear Visitor,

              Welcome to HitecHSearch.com. I feel very happy because of your presence. This is my first Blog as well as i hope it will be my best Blog.

Reason for started this Blog:
           Generally i am addicted to Learning and Sharing. I have completed Diploma in Computer Engineering. My native place is rural area in India. So couldn't get any proper sources and chances to develop my skills. After completing college life i got so many sources and chances to develop myself. Now am placed an It company and i started to work.
             But Still my native place not yet developed because of lack of awareness about technology Essentials. Not only my place along world wide so many peoples not even aware of technology growth and it's essentials. So i started this blog for sharing that what i learning along word wide. This will be the best platform for who are have seriousness to learn new thing not for time pass. 
             I am going to deliver plenty of information about Information Technologies thorough this blog along world wide. My Goal is  'Delivering Technology'

How can you Utilize my Blog?
      Dear Visitor, Are you want to seriously learn some thing? if you say "YES" then you are in right trackThere are plenty of informations which are freely available for you. Then what are you waiting for? go to search box then type your query get your answer.
            In case if you couldn't find your answer for your query don't worry even i won't leave your handsGo to Forum page and then type your IT related questions and give me certain time. Through this page you can ask me directly your queries. So surely i will give answer for your questions within short period with intimation.

Who Behind This Blog?
        Myself MuthuPandi founder this blog. My hobby is learning new things and sharing those things with others, My specialty is that 'I Will Try Until Die'.
                                           State:Tamil Nadu.


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